Real lokoum (pronounced ‘lock-hume’), or ‘Turkish delight’ as it’s known in the west, is quite different from the version you get here in the UK. For a start it’s not all about rose or citrus flavours, and it’s usually firmer and less sweet. Due to the simplicity of the ingredients, authentic Turkish delight is also gluten free and suitable for vegans.
We’ve carefully selected seven different flavours of Haci Bekir’s world famous lokoum to take your experience of our coffee to a whole new level. They include pistachio, mastika, clove, date selection, cinnamon, and rose, and come packaged in pretty boxes of 200gr, all hand cut (so some pieces are larger than others). Each box is a single flavour, so as not to let the stronger flavoured Turkish delights overpower the subtler ones.
We believe lokoum was made to go with coffee. Bite a piece, let it melt on your tongue, then take a sip of dark, sumptuous Turkish coffee and the complex flavours just envelop your senses.